We’re looking forward to ‘meeting’ so many of you!

Our virtual kick-off party is just a little over a week away (Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020), and we are SO EXCITED!!

But, I’m starting to get bit nervous as I’ve never hosted so many folks at my house and I want to make sure everything is perfect and that everyone coming has a really good time.

Joan and I, along with our girls, are working on the badges and activities we have planned, the crafts and even some virtual games and songs.

I would like to ask all of you (even if you can’t make it) to intercede for us thru St. John Paul II; he is our special ‘guest’ as we honor his 100th birthday at our event; as well as through the prayers of the Blessed Mother and St. Therese, our patroness.

Please pray that the weather is perfect, the technology goes smoothly and that all of our Behold families – especially those on enduring the West Coast fires and the southern floods due to Hurricane Sally – stay safe and healthy.

See you soon!!!

(And, of course, it’s not to late to join us! http://www.beholdpublications.com/SummerCamps/ )

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