While it might seem I am a bit late to the game, it is important to remember that we are in the middle of the Easter season.

In my family this includes forgoing meatless Fridays but we do a bit of the Good Friday sacrifice and rely on leftovers which are not always a favorite in my house.
With Easter lasting until May 19, 2024, maybe you want to add a bit of Easter joy to your club meetings. Maybe end a meeting with an Easter music sing-along?
(I realize I am suggesting this as someone who can’t play an instrument or even really sing well, but that has never stopped me!)
You can easily build a song list from Spotify or YouTube:
It is important that we know how long the Easter season is meant to be. Life is busy, hard and complicated but God knows that doesn’t He? The lengthy Easter season is a real gift that should remind us that no matter how dark the day may seem, or how difficult our problems are, Jesus did rise from the dead. He won! And so shall we if we remain faithful. Until that day, Easter joy can lift us up when we are down if we lean into it and recall it throughout the whole year.
Another song choice from Matt Maher. This one has become a real favorite of mine and a song of support when I feel discouraged.
Here’s some thoughts about Easter from the USCCB:
Image by 4222320 from Pixabay