Keep Blue Knights Fun!

Why Keeping Blue Knights Fun is Important

There is a practical reason why the Blue Knights program features multiple activities of short duration.  The target audience (young boys) are not well known for sitting still for more than 5 minutes.  The longest activities are the games and the crafts – because this is what works with boys.  But there is another, deeper, reason.  It is far too easy for people to associate religion with BORING.  That association sets in at a young age and something must be done to break that cycle.  So focus on keeping Blue Knights fun and let the Holy Spirit make up for the short talks.

Get your beginning of the year supplies here:

We had a great camp – different but great. And words of wisdom from St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross.

A shout out to the lovely Moms and their daughters (and goddaughter) who were able to come to our altered camp last weekend in KY.

Our previously planned camp had to be drastically altered when the camp we had planned to use had a water main break. The anticipated rainstorms also impacted our plans. As a result, we quickly re-planned our event into a one day extravaganza that included drama (by that I mean lovely skits), sculpting and painting.

The girls were just delightful. They made us laugh to the point of tears at some points. Their enthusiasm for each other and our day brought the sadness we had due to changed plans into real joy. Meeting the Moms was wonderful.

With that in mind, maybe you had different plans for your summer. You had hoped for a vacation that never came. Maybe family news arrived that caused tears or stress. We understand and we’re praying for you. We have been in similar circumstances.

We never know what the future holds for us. Every day brings its own problems and its own solutions. We can have days of real joy and surprise and days of absolute sorrow, all within the same week. But remember, regardless of what the day brings, we are not alone. Christ is carrying our cross with us even as He carries His own. May this prayer from St. Theresa Benedicta (Feast Day – 8/9) carry you through the day you are having:

“O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage and strength to serve You. Enkindle Your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of the road before me.”

Photo by kliverap on

Notes from the Eucharistic Congress!

What happens when you get 50,000+ Catholics together? When you gather such famous Catholics as Sr. Miriam, Bishop Barron, Chris Stefanik and many, many more? You have a Catholic party in Indianapolis! And as my kids are known to shout, “There ain’t no party like a Catholic party ‘cuz a Catholic party don’t stop!”

Joan and I were blessed to be able to bring all of our Behold Club groups to this amazing gathering of Catholics from around the world. We were present at the vendor area, sharing space with such companies as Ascension Presents, Tiny Saints, and more religious orders in one place than I have ever seen.

We talked about Little Flowers, Blue Knights, the Little Way and all of our clubs to families of all sizes, to educators and DRE’s. We bragged about all of you and the hard work you are doing to strive to grow in holiness, one virtue at a time.

A few highlights from our booth:

-meeting all of the Little Flowers who came with sashes on to meet us and get their gifts as a small thank you.

-meeting young adults who did Little Flowers or other programs ‘way back when’ and remembered their time with real love and affection. More than one said our programs helped foster their love of Jesus and His Church. More than a few took pictures of Joan and I to send to their parents.

-meeting a Dominican from Nashville, whose name tag is hidden in the photo we have so I don’t know her name :-{ who did LF’s while on a base in Germany. I teared up when she said her time with LF certainly helped her vocation. And her brother, now a priest, was once a Blue Knight!

Those meetings meant the world to us as our small size can make us feel small in the world of Catholic groups/apostolates. These encounters reminded us that we can imagine ourselves as the small mustard seeds that grow into bushes large enough to hold perching birds (Mt. 13:21). We may be small but we are mighty.

We remembered all of you at every Mass and evening Adoration (with the biggest monstrance I have ever seen)

Each Mass had a 15+ minute processional of over 50 bishops and even more priests and seminarians. Watching Jesus being taken and received throughout Lucas Oil field was profound. We were also able to hear amazing talks. And Joan was able to take part in the amazing Eucharistic procession down the middle of Indianapolis. Our memories of this amazing time will remain with us.

Sound exciting? It was, and we want to encourage you to give you and your family its own mini Eucharistic Congress by watching any of the videos uploaded on YouTube. Check out the images of the procession.

My recommended talks?

Msgr. James Shea –

Jonathon Roumi, The Chosen –

Of course, I enjoyed all of the talks but Msgr. Shea’s taught me some things about the Eucharistic I had never contemplated. And Jonathon Roumi reading the John 6:46ff, (Jesus, the Bread of Life) as “Jesus” was moving.

As he was quick to remind us, he is “TV Jesus, not real Jesus. TV Jesus, not real Jesus” but many of us have had our faith, and the faith of our children, family or friends encouraged by The Chosen. We know this discourse will not be filmed as a part of the series so hearing him, as Jesus, say those power words, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” and more was just powerful.

After all, this Congress was organized to remind us all that Jesus is truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharistic at every Mass. And it remains up to us not only to remember that, reverence that awesome reality, and share it with others.

In closing, we are grateful for those who shared with us, through their donations, to help us get to the Congress: Bette Green, Rick Schaefer, Ann Dardis, Sarah Bauer, and Gloria O’Neill. Our time in Indianapolis may be over, but will continue to spread seeds of our own.

Calling all Little Flowers and Blue Knights!

Calling all Little Flowers and Blue Knights…past and present! Will we meet you in Indianapolis? Come and get your free gift!

We are so excited to be joining the tens of thousands of Catholics gathering in Indianapolis next week

for the Eucharistic Congress. Are you getting ready to “Be there when God MOVES?” Both Joan

and I are looking to “Come in Faith. Leave with Hope.”

What a wonderful time to introduce all of our clubs – Little Flowers, Blue Knights and more – to

new families. But, even more so, what a joy it will be to meet any and all of you.

Is your family going on pilgrimage to the Eucharistic Congress? If you are, please come find us

in the Vendor area. We will be in Booth 232.

Give-aways for Everyone!

We will have small giveaways to everyone who comes to our booth by BUT if you wear your

sash or proudly display other Behold Club gear, pins, scarves, t-shirt, tote bag, etc. we will have

something extra special for you. Want to know what it is? You will just have to find us to find out!

Stop by, say hello! Let us meet in person for perhaps the first time. The gift of the Eucharistic

Congress is something the entire Church is celebrating and we are glad to be able to be a part

of it. But, this historical gathering would be made even more special if we could MEET YOU!

Even if you haven’t been in Little Flowers or Blue Knights recently, dig out that sash or breastplate, button or t-shirt and show us how our Catholic Clubs helped you grow holier one virtue at a time!

(if you are in a position to help off-set our costs there is still time to donate. Please follow this

link :…)

Joan and Rachel

Be A Lot Cooler if You Did…

I have been asked if a Mom can run a Blue Knights Club; and of course I answer “Yes.”  But as Matthew McConaughey said in the 1993 movie Dazed and Confused; it would be better if it was run by a Dad. In ancient Israel, it was the father’s duty to ensure the faith was handed on to the next generation.  The Boo k of Isaiah tells us that:  

Fathers declare to their sons O God, thy faithfulness (38:19 )

Most boys will have female teachers in grade school and female teachers in Religious Education classes in the parish.  They can be excused for thinking that all of this is not important to the menfolk.  Sadly, that is often the case; so that the moms are stepping into the void.

There is nothing masculine about playing golf while the wife and kids are at Mass.  The Church Fathers who endured torture and imprisonment to keep the faith alive in the Roman empire certainly understood Christianity as rugged adventure.  It is time to for Catholic men to embrace that view again.

Boys learn to be men by watching what Dad does- what are you modeling to your kids?

Learn more about Blue Knights Boys’ Club or how to start one here:

A Boy and a Stick

Dan McGuire, creator of The Blue Knights Boys’ Club

The Boy and His Stick in Nature

A famous axiom of St. Thomas Aquinas is: Grace does not destroy nature; rather it builds on and perfects it.  What the Angelic Doctor was trying to convey is that God works with our natural inclinations to leads us back to Himself.  I think of this when I see pictures of my grandson (15 months old) with his stick. Every time he goes for a walk he carries a stick that he finds along the way.  I chuckle because I still have a walking stick I found 3 years ago when I was exploring the woods near our new home, not unlike the boy and his stick.  Boys will pick up a stick and it can become anything in their imagination – but quite often it is a weapon: a club, a sword, a gun…even a magic wand.  It becomes an extension of his own power. 

Blue Knights Boys’ Club and Formation

This is why one of the most popular of the Blue Knights crafts is the sword of respect for authority.  Boys gravitate towards the sword (and the spear, and bow/arrows) because it is a means of increasing or projecting power.  Of course, they don’t understand it that way.  That is why they need a Dad to take that nascent and natural urge and mold it along the proper path.  Formation of the man is what drives the Blue Knights. Explicitly it is about Dads forming their sons in virtue and faith.  It is also about forming the Dads at the same time.

Growing Up in a House Where Virtue Lives

Real girls exercising virtue in real life

Many of you are probably familiar with the Wreath I Virtue Stories. It contains nine short stories, one for each virtue in Wreath I, exemplifying how that virtue can be lived, learned, and nurtured through everyday interactions. What you may not realize is that all of those stories are based on real events. My mom, Joan Stromberg, wrote those stories, and as the oldest child I remember many of them myself. Sometimes she alters names or the exact sequence of events, but the basic stories really happened. Growing up in a house with ten kids provided many opportunities to practice virtue, and I was blessed to be surrounded by parents and siblings who nurtured and exemplified those virtues.

What’s better than virtue stories? More virtue stories!

If you do know and love those stories, I have great news for you. Wreath II Virtue Stories are finally here! Now there are nine more short, beautiful little tales written by my mom, showing how young girls can (and do) live lives of virtue in the ways they interact with their friends, family, and everyone else that is part of their daily lives. This time, the book is illustrated by the incredibly talented Michelle Mahnke, who also illustrates all the Little Flowers Student Guides. Get your copy now and inspire your girls to live virtuously!

Share your stories of virtue

Do you have inspiring tales of how your Little Flower, Blue Knight, or other Catholic club member has exemplified virtue? Share it with us! We love hearing about how these programs help kids (and their parents) grow in holiness. Get involved with our Facebook page, Instagram, or comment below to share your virtue stories too.

Are you able to help us get to the Eucharistic Congress?

get to the Eucharistic Congress

We are so pleased to announce that we have been invited as an exhibitor to the upcoming Eucharistic Congress in July! This is such good news as we will be able to share Little Flowers, Blue Knights and all of the Behold Clubs with families from all over the country.

Being present at this event would be wonderful as we introduce the families present with our Catholic to Core programs with over 30 years of presenting authentic Catholic teaching, virtue, saints and so much more. 

There are other choices of clubs/organizations that will also be there but nothing like Little Flowers and Blue Knights.

Can you help make sure we get to the Eucharistic Congress?

This is huge news but – as with many such things – it comes at a cost. May we be forward enough to ask for your help to get to the Eucharistic Congress?

We are hoping for help in covering the exhibitor registration fee and travel costs.

Check out this link:

If you are able to help us in any other manner, a different amount or otherwise please let us know!

Thank you for considering our request. We are grateful for all of you! God Bless, Rachel & Joan

Little Flowers Girls' Club

Happy Mother’s Day

As my busy weekend starts, I want to wish all of you a very Happy Mother’s Day! As our very own St. Therese of Liseaux reminds us, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.”

And her own mother, St. Zelie shares this wisdom, “Above all, during the months immediately preceding the birth of her child, the mother should keep close to God, of whom the infant she bears within her is the image, the handiwork, the gift and the child. She should be for her offspring, as it were, a temple, a sanctuary, an altar, a tabernacle. In short, her life should be, so to speak, the life of a living sacrament, a sacrament in act, burying herself in the bosom of that God who has so truly instituted it and hallowed it, so that there she may draw that energy, that enlightening, that natural and supernatural beauty which he wills, and wills precisely by her means, to impart to the child she bears and to be born of her.”

That is much to ponder. I know I fall short of the motherhood as reflected by the life of the Blessed Mother and the wisdom as shared by St. Zelie, but I also know of God’s mercy and admiration for our attempts and tries. So to all you beautiful mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

Extra love and prayers to those mothers for whom Sunday will be hard due to loss. Our Blessed Mother understands our pain in a unique way. My Rosary will be said for all of us.