Thank you FB ladies & Oct. Zoom Meeting Overview & Surprise Guest!

We had our October Leader’s Zoom Meeting this past Friday and it was lovely. But – before going into the meeting, I want to send along a shower of roses for our amazing FB group –

THANK YOU, thank you, Thank You to everyone who came to the help and rescue of Tracie who found herself charge of her LF’s group with little advance notice! She felt overwhelmed and lost but not for long. You gave her excellent ideas along with the encouragement and prayers she needed.

Give yourself some badges!! You all showed so much generosity, love of neighbor and friendliness (and so much more) to someone in need. You are all so kind and a sign – once again – of how amazing LF leaders (and their daughters) are.

Onto Zoom – we had both new and old friends there and a lovely surprise with a visit by Sister Stephanie, LIHM.

She is a member of the Leaven of the Immaculate Heart of Mary order founded in the Philippines in 1991 and spoke of her work leading a group of Little Flowers in Nebraska. She was an absolute delight and we were so pleased to meet her and her ‘new to us’ order. Please take a moment and visit their site, their smiles alone with lift your spirit.

If you would like to find out about more religious orders to inspire you or your clubs head over to the Council of the Major Superiors of Women Religious. They are a dozens of orders who serve us and the Universal Church in a manner we can all be encouraged by.

Do you sometimes feel discouraged about the state of religious in the world? Well, the CMSWR

We also talked about try to incorporate music into your meetings through great Catholic music (Matt Maher, perhaps?) or just excellent Christian contemporary music. A quick dance mid-meeting can energize sleepy members or prayerfully send them on their way at the end.

Other news? A jubilee year for St. Therese was recently announced (more on that later), a movie about Mother Cabrini is coming (more on that as well).

If you have not dropped in on one of our meetings (last Friday of every month), please consider doing so. You never know who might show up and seeing other Moms who are doing their best to grow holier one virtue at a time is such a source of encouragement. We are ready for your questions!

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