Our faith in a nutshell


Today’s readings tell us the truths of our faith – simply and completely.

In the first reading from 1 John we get the powerful – “God is love.”

In the second reading which tells of Jesus walking across the water to his frightened disciples we have – “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” 

What would our lives be if we could just remember those 2 absolute truths. God is love, He loves us unconditionally and without end and He calls us to do the same.

And we can’t or are afraid or feel lonely, scared, angry or worried, He is there walking across the water to tell us He is there with us and we don’t have to be afraid.

I am trying to keep these two simple verses on a loop in my brain – God loves me and when I feel He doesn’t, or what is happening doesn’t seem loving at all, I have to remember that He is with me and I don’t need to feel afraid. Repeating as often as necessary.

Remember – – you are loved and you are not alone.

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