How are you doing?

Are you doing okay? I just wanted to send some love your way. What we are going through is unprecedented but our God is greater than any fear, anxiety or uncertainty.

There are so many resources out there to help you with family life, homeschooling (we are all homeschoolers now!), and our Catholic faith that I don’t want to add too much to your list but I did want to share just two things that have made life a bit easier at my house. For all of us, we found:

My family has ‘traveled’ to Mass on the Isle of Man, at the Shrine of Knock, Ireland, the Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton right here in Maryland, the Church of St. Joseph in Abu, Dabai, United Arab Emirates (!!) to name just a few. I’ve taken all of you and your intentions with us and we’re keeping track of all the places we go on a list as well as with stickers on our world and USA maps (yes, I’m a nerdy homeschooler with maps hung in our ‘office space’). It is really cool to see lovely churches around the world and hearing Mass said with different accents. The only downside is that you might hear homilies better than you’ll ever hear at your own parish 🙂

And we’ve gotten great words of comfort, encouragement and instruction from Ascension Presents through such recent offerings as this:

Last week, I finally gave in to the repeated request from my kids (one of whom is over 20 but loves a good puzzle) and allowed a card table to occupy the center of our living room. This was #3 and we’re on #4 –

And I’ve been crocheting again:

In other words, we’re doing much of what we’ve always done such as homeschooling, going to Mass and family prayer BUT we’ve also be open to what these look like under isolation as well as adding a few new things. This actually has been an unexpected opportunity to allow God to step into our lives in new and unexpected ways.

What’s up in your home?

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