Here’s to a good week!

These greeted me as I went to Church this morning and offered my Mass up for all of you!

“If your day can’t be perfect, at least give it purpose.”

I heard this recently and it gave me real encouragement on this Monday as none of my days are perfect. So, I need to remember to give my days purpose!

Such was the life of John the Baptist whose birth we celebrate today. His purpose was to announce the arrival of the Messiah. Everything he did was to that end and that end alone. “So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease.” (John 3:29b-30)

We all know the tradition of ‘offering up’ something, it is laid out very clearly in 1 Thessalonians 5 where we are encourage to: cheer the fainthearted, support the weak, rejoice always and pray without ceasing among other ‘suggestions’. For me, I think of these as spiritual presents for someone I love. They can become gifts of praise back to God for someone in need, be it a family member, a friend or a need in the world.

Everything we do – from our prayers to our daily activities. We have the drudgery to the pleasures that can be offered up for an intention or merely a shout of praise to God. Mentally wrap up everything you do, put on a tag with someone’s name and place it before the throne of our King. He will know exactly what to do with it!

Make a list if you need to, log it in your prayer journal or write it on the mirror in your bathroom. It will become a reminder to you that while your day isn’t perfect, it had a real purpose!

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