Happy Feast of the Annunciation!

Felice Giani, Italian, 1758–1823, Smithsonian, si.edu

What a day, what a time for us to try to remember Mary and the challenges she faced the moment Gabriel appeared. Her life would never be the same; and at this moment in time, ours is not as well.

She faced the worries of Joseph, perhaps the looks of those in her town and the wonder what birth of the Savior might even look like in a few months time.

For us it is isolation, deprivation from the Sacraments and what will Easter look like in a few weeks time.

‘How can this be?’, we ask, demand and shout into our pillows, at our spouses, at God.

But here we are, in our homes as she was in hers, with an opportunity to repeat her own words, “May it done to me according to your word.”

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