Changing up Ordinary Time with some new prayers

The poinsettias are gone from my church, the candles have returned to their usual spots on the altar and Fr. is wearing green. So, despite the snow on the ground which always reminds me of Advent and Christmas season, we are in Ordinary Time.

This first arrival of ordinary time is when I like to change up my prayer routine. I love learning new prayers that I can recall when my own words fail me, I enjoy discovering the history behind the great treasury of prayers our faith provides and I also can get bored easily.

Two prayers I discovered from the back of my parish’s missalette have found a place in my daily prayer rotation:


Most Holy and Adorable Trinity, one God in three Persons, I firmly believe that You are here present; I adore You with the most profound humility; I praise You and give You thanks with all my heart for the favors You have bestowed on me. Your Goodness has brought me safely to the beginning of this day. Behold, O Lord, I offer You my whole being and in particular all my thoughts, words and actions, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day. Give them, O Lord, Your blessing; may Your divine Love animate them and may they tend to the greater honor and glory of Your Sovereign Majesty. Amen.



O Lord, my God,
Creator and Ruler of the universe,
it is Your Will that human beings accept the duty of work.
May the work I do bring growth in this life to me
and those I love and help to extend the Kingdom of Christ.
Give all persons work that draws them to You
and to each other in cheerful service.
I unite all my work with the Sacrifice of Jesus
in the Mass that it may be pleasing to You and give You
I beg Your Blessing upon all my efforts.
With Saint Joseph as my example and guide,
help me to do the work You have asked
and come to the reward You have prepared.

I can’t share any history of these prayers however, has both of these accompanied by lovely videos at their site if you want to take a listen.

The part of the morning offering that really rings in my heart is “together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day” – crosses and contradictions! Aren’t those a guarantee in everyone’s life?

The prayer goes on to ask God to give them His BLESSING! A blessing from God for each cross, bump or hiccup I encounter throughout the day gives me real encouragement and strength. I hope it does the same for you.






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