I just heard a little talk that I wish had been posted about 8 years ago.
Fr. Mike Schmitz, a favorite among many of us, just posted a 9 minute video for Ascension Presents entitled, “How do I know if I Made the Wrong Choice?” I listened it just this morning before heading out to Daily Mass.
Like I said, I wish I had heard this talk a number of years ago when Matt and I endured more than a few months of struggle, doubt and sadness surrounding a decision we made in regards to Matt’s employment and education.
Now, years past this struggle, we are doing really well and we can see how God walked with us each step of the way. BUT – in the midst of the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’ of it all, we weren’t well. There was sadness, anger, resentment and recrimination. Of course, we prayed about the decision. Of course, we thought we were doing God’s will. Then why didn’t it work out the way we had expected? Well, that was God’s will as well.
Listening to Fr. Mike this morning brought me such comfort and peace. It also made me laugh out loud- listen carefully for “crock-pot Christianity”!
If you or someone you know is in the midst of some of those same feelings of doubt and accusation towards self or someone else take 10 minutes and listen to this. I will be praying it brings you the same peace it gave me.