Camping In Minnesota – Novena Request

Our trip to Portugal via Pine Island, MN was just too much fun. The Moms were wonderful, their daughters were so full of energy, ready to play and have fun. Hopefully, you were able to…


June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today also happens to be the feast day of St. Justin Martyr who tells us: We the Christians are the true Israel which springs from Christ, for we are carved out of His heart as…


Happy Feast of the Visitation of Mary

“Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah,” I found a more eloquent post than I could ever write at And, Dan Burke, host of the site…


Peony as the Pentecost Rose

I wasn’t aware of this connection identifying the peony as the Pentecost Rose when the first wreath of Little Flowers was written; the peony is our flower for Love of God with Agnes as our…


Come join me in the Upper Room!

By way of your living room! Happy Feast of the Ascension.  Today is the day we get to wait with Mary, the apostles and the other women to await the Holy Spirit. Have you picked…


The Original Novena Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Ascension Thursday found in Luke 24:50-53 or Acts 1:6-11. As we all remember, once the apostles saw Jesus lifted into the air, they went together to the Upper Room along with the Blessed Mother and…


How does the God’s advice compare to the world’s when it comes to marriage?

Now we all know God has a lot to say about marriage; Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding and He made it very clear how He felt about marriage as a whole: “But at…


Happy Mother’s Day and Fatima 2 & 1

Happy Mother’s Day to all! I’ll be remembering all of you when I go to Mass this morning with my family. As we continue to celebrate the Easter season and Fatima’s centennial, may our Lord…


Three Days to Fatima – What did the atheists think?

This article link from Crux was left as a comment on Day 5 and 4, but it is too cool (and important) to be left in the comments box. I, myself, have always wondered what…


Five and Four Days to Fatima – Check out all there is at the Register

Forgive my ‘forgetting’ about yesterday but yesterday was full to the brim – with today almost cresting at the top of the cup as well. To make things a bit easier on myself and more…