Inspiring the New Evangelization
Rachel and I often talk about the beginning of Little Flowers over 30 years ago and where we are today. But what we don’t often talk about is why a couple of young moms, homeschooling and having babies year in and year out, felt compelled to develop these Catholic virtue programs? I think that part of the call to serve the Church came through the inspiration of Pope John Paul II’s call for a New Evangelization. Our encounters with Christ through encountering Pope John Paul II inspired Rachel and I and our husbands, our collective 21 children and so many others to step up and out and be a part of Pope John Paul’s call, indeed, the call of every disciple, to evangelize.

Nearly 30 years ago, Rachel, her husband, Matt, I, with my late husband, Bob, all attended the Pope’s visit to Baltimore. The Holy Father offered Mass in Camden Yards, which had been finished just a few years previously.
The picture at left is from a special edition of the Baltimore Sun commemorating the Papal visit and showing a young, and enthusiastic Rachel and Matt during the Papal Mass. Rachel and Matt met the Holy Father on more than one occasion, but this one is the one that is publicly recorded!
Our families have not lost their enthusiasm for the faith and we all continue to work towards the New Evangelization. This call is ongoing even as we pass it on to the next generation of disciples. May St. John Paul the Great pray for all of you and your efforts for the New Evangelization!
St. John Paul, Pray for us!
Photo credit: Baltimore Sun, Special Papal Edition, October 9, 1995