Do you have room for one more saint?

Today is the feast of St. Vincent de Paul (St. VdP), a familiar saint to most of us. Many of us have a society in his honor in our parish or diocese. Those who are extra blessed may have a St. VdP store close by where great treasures can be found and bought; while your payment brings treasure to others.


This image, found on wiki, is delightful in its simplicity and clarity. You can almost see him smile! His love for the poor and ability to see Jesus in them can be an inspiration for our own lives.

Many sites have quotes of his for you to ponder such as


One of my favorites? “If we are faithful to God, we will lack nothing.” However, I find this faith difficult to secure in my soul and mind. Seeing what I lack is always been so easy for me. Some of this ease comes from my disability, some from my childhood where my large family would never have been described as well to do. See the pattern? What I see or don’t see comes only from envy and jealousy towards what others have. I have focused on what the world has said I “need.”

But, if I focus on what God has given me!? I am wealthy beyond words. From access to Daily Mass, the sacraments, access to faith formation on-line, my dear husband, my children, my siblings, dear friends, and on and on.


In thanksgiving for all we do have, perhaps you might consider holding a food/clothing drive at one of your upcoming meetings. Find the nearest St. Vincent de Paul center or food pantry and see if they have any specific needs. Let your member families know and ask them to bring in one or two items at your next meeting. Perhaps you can have the members create a spiritual bouquet to include for the volunteers and the families who rely on what we have given in quiet charity. Let’s carry on the good work St. Vincent started!

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