Do you have a partner in faith?

Throughout our Church’s history we can find saints who have found another person with whom to share their vision or mission. We have St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare, Sts. Bonaventure and Scholastica were siblings as well as partners in bringing others to holiness. We have St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal

Having a ‘partner in crime’ is a phrase we all have heard and might even use. My husband and I talk about being ‘partners in crime’ when we are trying to plan time away from responsibilities and family obligations. We’re partners in crime making a smooth getaway for – date night!


Just this past week, Joan and I remarked on how Little Flowers, and the rest of the Behold Publications clubs and projects use the best of what each of us have brought to our work and mission.

“I forgot to let you know that I really enjoyed your last blog post (in honor of St. Francis of Assisi’s feast day). Interestingly, my confirmation saint is also a man who lived and even met St. Francis. Mine is St. Dominic! (although I feminized it to Dominica when being confirmed.) Sometimes these orders are friendly rivals, but at the same time, they worked together with their different strengths and talents to rebuild a church when it was sorely in need of rebuilding. I think we complement each other in a similar way. We have different gifts and talents, but we are doing our best to rebuild and build up the Church. Thank you for being St. Francis to my St. Dominic!”

Her compliment meant the world to me and I was so glad to get it. My regard for Joan is just has high. Her commitment to what we do, her ability to see clearly what needs to happen and so much more. We would have made it over 30 years now if we were not committed to each other as friends as well as business partners.


What about you? Do you have a partner who helps you on your path to holiness? Who helps you with the club? Are you like Joan and I who have found out for ourselves that when two (or more) work together we can make the best use of each other’s gifts and talents. Jesus himself found 12 who worked well, for the most part, to spread His kingdom.

If you have found your partner in faith, be sure to thank them for their help and efforts. St. Francis de Sales called St. Jane Frances de Chantal, “a broad and very capable mind” and complimented the “courage of her soul”. We can easily imagine how those kind words lifted her spirits.

On the other side of it; are you lacking someone? If you find yourself working alone, intercede to Jesus for some help. Consider asking Naomi and Ruth or Mary and Martha to bring you someone to share the work and share the mission.

Almost every endeavor we undertake is better and easier when we have a partner. Not for crime so much but definitely for the furthering of the Kingdom.

(Image of St. Frances de Sales and St. Jane Frances de Chantal –

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