FREE Webinars by Little Flower Creator

FREE Webinars by Little Flower Creator! Don’t miss these great live seminars by Rachel Watkins, Little Flowers Girls’ Club Creator! Hosted by Homeschool Connections. Check out all their free webinars at their Refresh Virtual Conference…


Make this Leap Day extra special

Leap Day is almost like a free day – an unexpected day that comes only once every 4 years. What would you do if you had an absolutely free day with no responsibilities or expectations?…


The Catholic Alternative to Girl Scouts

….that is, according to the Archdiocese of St. Louis website. The Archbishop of St. Louis came out a week ago encouraging parishes to find alternatives to Girl Scouts. There are many reasons outlined on their…


The Year of Mercy Logo

If you are like I am, you probably were not overly impressed with the abstract-looking Year of Mercy logo. I thought this kind of cubist-minimalist-inspired art was left in the 1970’s and 80’s, so what…


Looking for a comfortable seat?

Today is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. No, we are not celebrating furniture so much as honoring Peter’s declaration before the other apostles that Jesus was “the Christ, the Son of the…


How about a slice of bread?

I’ve been thinking of quite a bit about bread lately. With a few friends who themselves or their children have celiac disease and others who are throwing bread to the curb due to carb and…


5 Patron Saint Badges: Bringing Lent to Your Clubs

Lent is all over my Facebook feed, inbox, and tweeting madly. But what can Little Flowers and Blue Knights leaders do to bring Lent alive and relevant to their Catholic Clubs? Let’s ask our brothers…


Are you ready for Lent? Time to clean house?

It is coming tomorrow – Ash Wednesday – no avoiding it. At Mass today, Fr. Jim focused his homily on cleaning house. Using today’s gospel he reminded us that we all need to be careful we aren’t…


Lent is almost here – time to clean house!

I awoke this morning and just knew I had to share this with all of you – While we usually think of Easter being the time to clean house, I suggest use Lent and clean…


Music Monday

Four of my children went to Mount 2000 this past weekend. It is an amazing weekend for high school youth held at Mount St. Mary’s, a university and seminary, in Emmitsburg, MD. Close to the Shrine…