Happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
Have you ever seen this illustration? Neither had I until seeing in it in the April 2022 issue of Magnificat. Of course, no one has ever seen all the amazing art that has been created…
Have you ever seen this illustration? Neither had I until seeing in it in the April 2022 issue of Magnificat. Of course, no one has ever seen all the amazing art that has been created…
We’d love to see you today at our April zoom meeting! We’re meeting at 2:00 p.m. EST, and seeing you would make our day. We’ll be talking about how to celebrate your families with a…
Today’s Gospel is the beautiful telling of Mary Magdalene at the garden from John 20:11-18. There are several quotes from it that really give me pause: “She stayed outside the tomb weeping…” – how many…
This is very exciting news and I hope that is coming close enough for you and your Little Flowers and other club members to make a pilgrimage of it!
With Palm Sunday just days away, there is still time for a plenary indulgence before the end of Lent. A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus…
Maryna Solomennykova | Tubik Design Studio Please check out the story about the image above over at Aleteia. St. Olga of Kiev, pray for us. https://aleteia.org/2022/03/28/ukrainian-mother-breastfeeding-during-war-becomes-marian-icon/
We had a hiccup in recording the zoom meeting from 3/25/22. If you attended that zoom, we’re sorry about not capturing your info and we would ask you to follow up with Joan via email….
Looking for ways to increase devotion to St. Joseph during 2021? The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has assigned 2021 the “Year of St. Joseph.” This is the perfect opportunity to start the ancient form of…
Enter this great Catholic Clubs themed giveaway and get some great gifts for your Little Flower or Blue Knights! Don’t forget to take advantage of our Black Friday to Cyber Monday SALE! 25% OFF the…
In Need of Virtue? I don’t know about your household, but we have everyone home from school and work right now and we all need a little bit of practice in one virtue or another!…