Head over to Homeschool Connections to register yourself for my webinar scheduled for 3/21 – Refresh!
I’ll be there in person (sort of). It would be great to meet you (sort of). If you have specific questions, concerns or something else you would like me to talk about, add your comment here and I’ll be sure to cover it.
Thank You!
I have a few moms in my parish ready to start Little Flowers. Question we have, are mothers expected to stay for the duration of the meetings? Of course, our leaders will be cleared for “protecting God’s children” as required by our diocese. My daughter & daughter in law lead LF in their parish and find the meeting runs much smoother with moms not there. They pick up about 10 minutes early where leaders cover what the girls have done. When the moms stayed for the 2 hrs. it became a social hour for them. Appreciate your input. Thank you.
Feel free to do with your group as you wish. When you have or need extra moms, don’t hesitate to give them jobs like helping with crafts, serving snack, teaching the lesson, etc. God bless!
I can agree with the ‘social hour’ aspect of the Moms who linger but I always like to think Moms are welcome as long as they are there to be helpers to those running the program! You’re the ones in charge so let the Moms know your hopes and expectations. Perhaps use a schedule and ask just a few to stay if you find you need the help.